on Friday, August 27, 2010
10:06 PM

Don't be decieved by the smiles, my life is a hugeass ball of fuckness.
It's like, insecurities just bitchslapped me in the face and they're burning frm the insides. Motherfucker. !@#$%^&*() Wish I was prettier, wish I was skinnier, wish I could be a better person, wish I was your object of desire, wish I was good enough.
I'm nvr good enough, for anything. Or anyone.
Seeing people, my friends going gaga over someone, I feel so damn happy for them but I'm a selfish bitch and can't help wondering why wouldn't anyone do tht for me. Seeing people in love, and wondering why I'm not. Omg just fuck this shit why am I even feeling this way? I feel like sucha bigass bimbo/bitch sometimes I should just go fuck a dolphin, seriously.
Sorry today was such a bore. @Alaric @Billy @Brandon
But I enjoyed your company, even if you didn't enjoy mine. Just wna let you guys knw tht you're awesome and I'll always love you even though you lie to me just to make me feel good hahaha.
Played soccer and I sucked but it was fun but I prolly screwed it up anyway, just like how I screw everything else up. Embarrassed myself and stuff but w/e.
Skipped sch yesterday and here are the pics of myself frm two nights back: