on Monday, August 30, 2010
9:18 PM

Ikea w Von and Beatiz today. :> xo
The food there is so damn good. :D Meatballs, chicken wings, hot dogs and diam cakes. Just everything man, I could eat there everyday. (Okay maybe not.) Had fun chatting non-stop and stuff. :) Hmm, and not to mention 'stealing' iced tea and getting stares frm old people. (Y) Love you girls.
And movie + drinks + fatness last night w zx and zq. Hehe I had so much fun, rly. Or maybe it was just the drinks. But whtever I wna do it again! :>
Pfft, blurry pictures but hey. Don't blame me, blame the sucky lighting plus the fact tht I forgot to on my flash. :p