on Friday, September 3, 2010
9:32 PM

This week was a um, emotional wreckage suicidal crazy mood swings breath taking week. Oh this might get a teensy weensy bit too personal so if you don't like personal then gtfo my blog.
The usual happy lazy days where we do almost nothing and just chat w my fav girl. Then there's those other crazy days when I just let myself go on an emotional rollar coaster.
Sometimes I get sad when people don't say bye to me. Ahahaha funny right. Well, I mind 'cause you matter so fuck it. But then I realised tht hey, people don't fucking have time to say bye to you or maybe they just don't fucking care or you just don't fucking matter to them so just fuck it. Nike's slogan (Or whtever tht is.) is Just Do It, mine is Just Fuck It. (Y)
But seriously, I don't knw why I'm so fucking petty sometimes and so damn selfish. Like, I have to knw tht people don't have time for me man. Not like I'm important or anything. They have better things to do, like study. Was so sad when I saw A and B sad today. :< And it's funny 'cause I don't feel anything when it comes to my results.
Aiyah whtever I'm gna stop being sad when people don't talk to me/don't include me/don't say hi or bye to me 'cause if not I'll be sad 24/7. :) Gotta accept the fact tht I'm just not important to some people, or most people. LOL wtf I feel like sucha emo bitch nw. Sometimes I hate myself hahaha fatty.
K whtever sorry, no pictures 'cause momma's not in the mood for pictures, yo.